CLASSICAL MATTERS with Crystal Joy Campbell

#28 - 40% of your Mimetic Lesson is spent here

Crystal Season 1 Episode 28

40%  of my lesson time should be spent doing what?
Crystal Joy Campbell here.  Thanks for joining me in Classical Matters.
We’re talking about what we should be doing with most of our lesson time when teaching mimetically… and well I don’t want to give it away but it’s not teaching…so stick around.

So if you are joining us today for the first time and are new to Mimetic teaching, it would be very helpful to you to pause here and go back and listen to episode 25, 26 & 27. In these episodes, we explored 3 of the five stages of a Mimetic teaching.  To re-cap we have gone over, stage 4, expression, and stage 5, application. And last week we briefly touched on stage 1 Presentation.  Today, let’s take a look closer look at the whys and whats of stage 1. 

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