CLASSICAL MATTERS with Crystal Joy Campbell
Are you a homeschool parent, a teacher or a tutor who wants to better understand Classical Education? Do you want to excel as an educator and hone your craft? Then this weekly podcast is for you! Learn how Classical Education can inspire your lessons, lead to flourishing students, and bring about positive transformation for you and those you impact. Join veteran educator Crystal Joy Campbell in CLASSICAL MATTERS for thoughts, ideas and insights to take yourself to a new level.
34 episodes
Music: more than what you hear
Can you believe that Julie Andrew’s was more than right to sing that the hills are alive with music?Today we’re talking about music as the quadrivium sees it, we’re pushing the boundaries of our understanding and venturing into the deep....
Season 1
Episode 33

Math: the elephant in the room
Those tears over MATH are not tears of joy? How can that be? We’re talking about that elephant in the room of most homeschools – Math- that time of day when anxiety sky-rockets and often overflows int...
Season 1
Episode 32

The Quadrivium in the Hands of a Child
This week explore with me how the workings of a child can inspire us to consider the Quadrivium in our classical program. Seeing the arts of mathematics, music, geometry and astronomy as a language in the natural world, a language where p...
Season 1
Episode 31

The Comparison Trap
We all do it! We compare ourselves to other homeschool moms and generally it doesn't serve us well. Often it will leave us more frustrated and overwhelmed, topped with a feeling of inadequacy.But we often compare because we are in...
Season 1
Episode 30
#29 - Mimetic Wrap-Up
Starting with episode 25, we’ve journeyed through whys, whats and how tos of the 5 stages of Mimetic Teaching. Have a listen because these episodes give us a spring board to get us on our way and set the course to hone our craft. So stick aroun...
Season 1
Episode 29
#28 - 40% of your Mimetic Lesson is spent here
40% of my lesson time should be spent doing what?Crystal Joy Campbell here. Thanks for joining me in Classical Matters. We’re talking about what we should be doing with most of our lesson time w...
Season 1
Episode 28

#27 - Your Go-To Gal: Mimetic Teaching
I'm back! I know this podcast has been on hold for a few weeks and I deeply appreciate you sticking around. We’ve been exploring the practice of Mimetic teaching. It’s the go-to gal for classical educators, and I want to give you bite...
Season 1
Episode 27

#26 - More Mimetic
Welcome to Classical Matters, I’m Crystal Joy Campbell your host. Thank you for joining me today as we peel back another layer of Mimetic teaching. This teaching method used by classical educators can really transform your homeschool so s...
Season 1
Episode 26
#25 - Mimetic Teaching - a powerful tool for the educator
What if just one tool could help you improve how you teach classically? Would you want it? Today we’re starting to break open this one powerful tool that can transform not only our homeschool lessons but our teaching as well. It’s somethi...
Season 1
Episode 25
#24 - The Progymnasmata
Give yourself a pat on the back mama, because I bet you’re already using the progymnasmata in your homeschool. Today, let’s jump into to the practical exercises of the progymnasmata. We will try to make it quick, simple and memorable so we can ...
Season 1
Episode 24
#23 - The 5 Canons
The 5 canons are the how tos of Rhetoric. But not being a master of this art can make it all seem pretty complicated and overwhelming. So join me today as we attempt to make these 5 canons simple, easy and memorable so you...
Season 1
Episode 23
#22 - Rhetoric - an outpouring of love
Recently we’ve been talking about rhetoric. But this rhetoric thing is hard, and some days are harder than others. Marcus Cato had high ideals when he said that the rhetorician should not only be skilled in speech but also a good person. Join m...
Season 1
Episode 22

#21 - Rhetoric - to move, delight & instruct
The rhetoric out there can get quite tiresome can’t it? Who would want to invite that into our homeschools? Today, we are going to explore Rhetoric, just what it is and what it isn’t so we can be sure the rhetoric we invite into our homes...
Season 1
Episode 21
#20 - Community and Room at the Inn
TAKE AWAYSContemplation ConsiderationsWhat need do I have for homeschool community? What excites me, what raises fear?How do I respond to “No room a...
Season 1
Episode 20
#19 - The Art of Dialectic in your Homeschool
In Episodes 15 From Logic to Dialect and in Episod...
Season 1
Episode 19

#18 - Socratic Dialogue
Questions, Questions, Questions…which questions am I to ask?Asking good questions is vital in the pursuit of truth. So we’re taking our direction from one of the Ancients who was a master at asking questions.This is a powerful to...
Season 1
Episode 18
#17 - Guest Podcast
Join me over at the MAKE JOY NORMAL podcase with Bonnie Landry as we discuss classical education.
Season 1
Episode 17
#16 - A Great Conversation
Who doesn’t love a great conversation? Today, I have a special guest who joins me in a casual conversation around classical education. You’ve likely heard of this homeschool mama before,
Season 1
Episode 16
#15 - From Logic to Dialectic
If you are anything like me, and have never taken a logic class, how are we suppose to start to use the art of logic in our homeschools? Today, we’re talking about how conversation cultivates this somewhat mysterious art of lo...
Season 1
Episode 15

#14 - Practicing Grammar
Today we’re laying down some practical ways to actually do grammar in your homeschool. Join me as we break down the complexity of the Art of Grammar into actions that are easily implemented into any homeschool day.To hone your craft in ...
Season 1
Episode 14

#13 - Grammar as Naming & Knowing
Today, as we continue to explore the art of grammar, we will look at simplifying things by using the words "naming and knowing" . These 2 words will help busy moms approach the often overwhelming task of grammar. It is like a hoo...
Season 1
Episode 13

#12 - Slaying the Beast of Grammar
In this episode, we will start to slay the beast of grammar. Even though our hearts cringe at the word, we’ll begin our journey of a deep dive into seeing how grammar is the beginning of language and forms thinking. We will explore how...
Season 1
Episode 12

#11 - Not What to Think BUT How to Think
How do I teach not just WHAT to think but HOW to think? Today we’re talking about this very question through the lens of Classical education. We will be looking at how classical education aims at perfecting of the mind by th...
Season 1
Episode 11