CLASSICAL MATTERS with Crystal Joy Campbell

#9 - Why Phys. Ed. Has Primacy

Season 1 Episode 9

By diving deeper into the LEAST talked about subject in homeschooling- Physical Education- discover WHY it has a prime place in a classical program. You may think it only has to do with stewardship and proper use of the body but there is a more important reason. VIRTUE. Jump in as we explore why Gymnastics (P.E.) helps in attaining virtue.

Are you a more visual person than an auditory one? Click the link below for the key points of today’s episode.

TAKE AWAYS from the why of Gymnastics

A bedrock of classical education

1.    PROPER USE of the body

2.    Develop DISCIPLINE

3.    Work – Reward PAYOFF

4.    Habits become CHARACTER

5.    Assists in attaining VIRTUE

Motivational Video - La Sierra PE Program 

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