CLASSICAL MATTERS with Crystal Joy Campbell
CLASSICAL MATTERS with Crystal Joy Campbell
#15 - From Logic to Dialectic
If you are anything like me, and have never taken a logic class, how are we suppose to start to use the art of logic in our homeschools?
Today, we’re talking about how conversation cultivates this somewhat mysterious art of logic. We’ll start to explore just why logic it is needed and what it looks like. We will look at thinking and reasoning, dialogue and community, and how this art is more than just using skills, systems and processes to direct the intellect.
From Systems to Community
- Shifting from logic to dialectic
- from a subject with its skills, systems and processes
- to conversation, dialogues, and discussions
- by partaking in community
Enter the Conversation
- starting with "Did you know?"
- engaging "But why?"
- so to start ordering thinking and reasoning
- to arrive at truth
Contemplate and Ponder
Dialectic leads us to Eucharisteo prayer by way of remembering, thinking, reasoning and humility.
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Cultivating Classical Educators