CLASSICAL MATTERS with Crystal Joy Campbell

#19 - The Art of Dialectic in your Homeschool

Crystal Season 1 Episode 19

In Episodes 15 From Logic to Dialect and in Episode 18 Socratic Dialogue we have been exploring the art of dialectic.  In today's episode, we'll discover 4 important points to remember as you cultivate the art of dialectic in your homeschool.


  1.  This is more than just a subject: Conversation and dialogue should hold a prime place in your homeschool.
  2. It is not a stage or phase: Your children are thinking and reasoning through all the years, not just in middle school- journey with them from the get go.
  3. Formal Logic- yes, this is something you need to do: A Formal Logic program will help in the refining of thinking and reasoning.
  4. Your intellectual life is important: "You are the curriculum which is being taught." Continue to pursue a life steeped in classical education, so you are a worthy model to imitate.

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